.gay + Treefort 2024 Featured Artist Profile: McKenna Esteb

.gay is pumped to be activating Treefort Music Festival again as part of our ongoing efforts to highlight incredible LGBTQIA+ acts with showcases at the fest!  

Check out our second Treefort artist interview of the year below with the talented McKenna Esteb. 

McKenna standing center of her bandmates in a white sweater vest


Why do you feel it is important to be out and proud as an artist? 

Living authentically as yourself makes for a much more enjoyable life, the more vulnerable and authentic you are with yourself the more people you will attract who reflect those same qualities. Building a community of like minded people has been the best part of coming out. I've never felt more loved and myself. 

Black and white photo of McKenna sitting on a bed smiling


What does LGBTQIA+ visibility mean to you?  

To recognize the impact that LGBTQ individuals have had on history locally, nationally, and internationally. Giving more LGBTQIA+ people opportunities, ways to be seen, noticed, engaged. By doing this we can help work towards change, creating more safe and accepting spaces everywhere for LGBTQIA+ to people. 


Why is LGBTQIA+ safety and support in the music industry important in 2024? 

The more we support queer artists, the more visibility we will have in the industry, the more influence we can have. The more we can inspire more young queer artists. We're just people making music, normalize it. 


Tell us about what brings you to Treefort? Have you been to Idaho before?   

McKenna sitting on the floor next to plants

I'm currently living in Boise. I love Treefort, it's my favorite time of the year!!! It's like Christmas time. It brings so many wonderful people and such a vibrant atmosphere to the city. 

If you could tell Queer and Trans youth one thing, what would it be? 

You are so brave and I look up to you, change is hard and you bear the weight of being totally authentic in a society that doesn't celebrate it. Find a community that accepts you for you and don't take criticism from people you wouldn't take advice from. You are a f*cking star. 


Anything else you would like Idaho’s LGBTQIA+ community to know, hear, or feel as they discover your band at the festival?  

I have so much love for this community, let's party!!! Come dance with us. 


Learn more about McKenna Esteb HERE 

See you at Treefort! Passes available HERE 

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