.gay Community Spotlight on one-n-ten

One·n·ten is a nonprofit working with LGBTQ+ young people in the 11-24 year old age group, to empower and support them.

For this week's .gay community spotlight, we're shining a light on the work and services they provide.

Read our chat below.

How would you describe your organization's mission? 

For 30 years, one·n·ten has provided supportive services to LGBTQ+ young people 11-24 years old. We promote self-expression, self-acceptance, leadership development, and healthy life choices. one·n·ten provides a safe space where LGBTQ+ young people are embraced for who they are, encouraging them to be actively engaged in their communities and empowering them to lead.

Tell us about how that mission is brought to life through your work.

From weekly discussion groups to fun social networking events, we create a safe space, mentally and physically, for the youth of all socio-economic and cultural backgrounds. We also offer resources that promote healthy life choices and living.

What would happen if your organization suddenly did not exist?

one·n·ten welcomes nearly 1,000 unique youth through our doors annually. We are the largest LGBTQ+ youth organization in Arizona, providing comprehensive services specific to the needs of LGBTQ+ young people. Without us, a void of support, care, and a sense of community would be created.

What can people do to get involved and help make sure that never happens?

Our services are 100% free to all the young people we see. To continue providing a zero-cost experience, we rely on our community of supporters who give their time and treasure. Financial support allows us to grow and expand our programs. Coupled with a robust volunteer program, there is an option for everyone to positively impact the lives of one·n·ten serve.

Why does LGBTQ+ visibility matter to you?

LGBTQ+ people will not be erased or pushed back into the closet. one·n·ten envisions a world where all LGBTQ+ youth and young adults are embraced for who they are, actively engaged in their communities, and empowered to lead. We encourage and support all youth to be authentic and show up as they are. This is a challenge as we see more and more attacks on the LGBTQ+ communities through discriminatory legislation to violence in our spaces. So, we must continue to be seen and heard, if not for us but for the generations coming after us.  

In your own words, what does "LGBTQ+ safety and support" mean specifically?

LGBTQ+ safety and support mean that you no longer need to explain yourself to others or defend your identity because others refuse to learn or accept diversity. Living in a supportive community and world where we can wake up every day and live without the pressure of societal hate, discrimination, or violence directed toward us because of our sexual orientation or gender identity.

Tell us about a time when you felt like the work you do at your organization really mattered or made a difference for the communities you serve.

Every day is truly an impact that reminds me how vital one·n·ten is for the community we serve. Our 2021 annual survey data reflects that 90% of the respondents indicated they come to one·n·ten to find a sense of community. Whether they attend one of our weekly programs like Trans & Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC) group led and supported by staff with similar lived experiences. Or they graduate from our Workforce program with employment preparedness skills. Or they receive their keys to their new apartment through our Promise of a New Day supportive housing program- a first for many of these young people. I am reminded that we are not only building a sense of community within our walls, but this community is going out into the world stronger, more prepared, and more resilient than ever before.

Anything else you would like to share with .gay audience?

one·n·ten is just one of many LGBTQ+ supportive organizations out there helping to create a safe brave community. If you or someone you know is struggling to find their path, encourage them to reach out to a local LGBTQ+ community center or organization. If you are fortunate enough not to need the services your local organization provides, then think about how you can help positively impact your community and get involved. We are not alone and remain more powerful in numbers, so let's unite and move toward justice and inclusion for all.

Learn more about one-n-ten’s work at www.oneNten.gay 

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